by Virginia

The foregoing, interesting article is unique among all those that have been printed in TVia. This is because the author has succeeded in getting past the lure of the, “if some is good more is better" type of thought. Although she is very much aware of her fantasies and frankly enjoys them, she has penetrated to an important truth about the dual personality concept. It IS better and basically more satisfying to be able to have "the best of both worlds" by keeping the masculinity while enjoying the femininity and vice versa. She is so right about the irreversibleness of surgery and the destruction of this fascinating ever-newness that she described so well. Many readers of TVia would do well to read this article twice. Ponder over it and try to relate it to themselves. Particularly this should be done by those of you who secretly still harbor imaginative, wishful ideas about sex change.

There will be some among you perceptive enough to have already asked themselves, "what's with Virginia, talking that way when she has abandoned the masculine for the feminine on a full time basis? She seems rather inconsistent". Yes, at first glance it does seem as though I were saying one thing and doing another. But don't go too far too fast. Remember the question discussed in this article was sex change vs. the pleasures of repeditive gender changes. My views about sex change surgery ought to be clear enough by this time. My personal life has led me, as it has you, through the repeated and ever pleasing changes that she describes. I merely came to a point where I have extended the feminine phase into a long term condition of life. But Charles is always with me, anatomically, physiologically and mentally. The first has long ceased to disturb me, I am